Rajendra Prasad turns singer

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,April 18 2013]

Rajendra Prasad is playing the lead role in a film titled 'Noothilo Kappalu'. 'Paiki Raavu, Raanivvavu' is the tagline of the film. Chanti Jnanamani is being introduced as the director with this film. Vinay and Poonati Sreenu are producing the film under Pole star pictures banner.

The postproduction work of the film is going on now.

Rajendra Prasad has turned as a singer with the song '' Thagithe okka chukka , Yekkele maaku thikka in this movie

The producers say, Rajendra Prasad's song will be the highlight of this movie. We have shown the current situations in society, very satirically and entertainingly. We are planning to release the audio at the end of this month and the movie in May.

The director said that Rajendra Prasad will be seen in a new look in this movie and 'Gangnam' steps by Jayaprakash Reddy will entertain the audience.

Jayaprakash Reddy, Manoj Nandham, 'Thagubothu' Ramesh, 'Allari Subahshini', Bharath, Vijay Sai etc are the other cast

Music: Sai Karthik, Subbu, Viswanath, Ravi Shankar, Satya, Dialogues: Mahender, Co-producer: Sivaji Raju