Rajini to commence his 6-day long meeting with fans

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,December 26 2017]

Tamil superstar Rajinikanth is to commence meeting his fans for 6 days starting today. The star's fans are hopeful that their 'Thalaivar' would utter the magical words, which they had been waiting for many years to hear from him, at least this time!

Rajini's millions of fans have been expecting him to be in politics for more than 25 years now. During his 5-day long meeting with his fans in May this year, Rajini spoke in detail about the need to 'rectify the (political) system' and urged his fans to remain battle-ready to respond to his clarion call.

Rajini was expected to make his political intentions clear on his birthday on the 12th of this month but Rajini remained away from fans on that day though thousands of fans from across the State congregated outside his Poes Garden residence. Starting today, Rajini would be meeting his fans for 6 days on the trot.

Rajini is said to have called for a press-meet too which has triggered expectations from the general public as well as his fans that he might make some 'important' announcement about his much-awaited and much-delayed political entry. Sources close to him say that the 'man of the masses' had finalized the name, flag and ideology of the party which would be launched on 04th January (next Thursday).