Rana foresees AI-driven cinematic experience

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,October 15 2023]

Rana Daggubati took center stage as a distinguished speaker at ABP Network's 'The Southern Rising Summit' in Chennai on Thursday, October 12. The captivating topic of discussion was 'So Many Cinemas: Celebrating India's Diversity,' thoughtfully moderated by the renowned author, Chetan Bhagat.

During his engaging interaction, Rana delved into an array of diverse topics, ranging from Visual Effects (VFX) to Artificial Intelligence (AI), as well as his own acting career and marital journey. Reflecting on his prior involvement with visual effects in filmmaking during 2004 and 2005, Rana shared insightful perspectives on AI and VFX.

Regarding Artificial Intelligence, he expressed, Artificial intelligence is poised to profoundly impact and disrupt everyone's lives, akin to what the internet did years ago. The internet quickly became applicable to us, and this is the next major shift. Adapting to any new change is initially challenging until we attain a deep understanding. When applied to the entertainment industry, it will undergo a similar rapid integration. The entertainment industry swiftly adopts new technology because it revolves around constant creativity, bringing to life what we imagine.

However, he added a crucial insight, stating, Ultimately, it will be humans who understand how AI will govern the world, not the other way around, at least within our lifetimes. Sharing his perspective on the OTT revolution, he highlighted, We will witness the emergence of interactive cinema that tailors itself to individual preferences through OTT platforms. OTT is already reshaping the landscape of the entertainment industry.

Reflecting on his decision to transition into acting, Rana revealed, I chose to become an actor because I couldn't bring to life the films I envisioned. I lacked formal training as a filmmaker, understanding my immaturity and the need for substantial learning. I had previously been involved in theatre during my school days. So, I took a leap, left my job, received training, and ventured into the world of movies, this time as an actor.

When discussing elections, he emphasized, There has never been a time when elections were indifferent. It's vital to choose the side you resonate with and wish to stand by.

Rana's insights and perspectives provide a glimpse into the evolving landscape of technology and the arts, offering a valuable perspective on the intersections of creativity, innovation, and the human experience.