Rana to play a Lt Colonel in Bollywood film

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,March 20 2019]

Rana Daggubati has signed up to do a Hindi-language movie. A multi-starrer, it will have Ajay Devgn playing an Indian Air Force Wing Commander named Vijay Karnik. Besides Ajay and Rana, the Bollywood film also features Sanjay Dutt, Sonakshi Sinha, Parineeti Chopra and Ammy Virk.

Abhishek Dudhaiya wields the megaphone for this war-based film that is inspired by true events. As per early reports, the 'Baahubali' actor will be seen as Lt Colonel of Madras Regiment fighting the Indo-Pak 1971 war.

Rana is playing a man in the uniform one more time after Sankalp's 'Ghazi', which did well in 2017.