Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor take off to Delhi for this interesting team-up.

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,January 09 2021]

Few weeks ago, it was announced that Luv Ranjan is working in a romcom starring Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor. The still untitled film is gonna go on floors soon. Luv's films have their own style, they connect to the youth and give them something to relate to.

Yesterday Ranbir and Shraddha were spotted on Mumbai Airport taking a flight to Delhi. It is speculated that they are going begin filming on this project. Ever since the announcement, fans are excited to witness Ranbir and Shraddha's onscreen chemistry for the first time.

Although there isn't much detail information about the film but the idea of Luv Ranjan collaborating with Ranbir and Shraddha for a romantic comedy sure sounds interesting.