Ranbir Kapoor doing extensive research on Kishore Kumar

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,January 12 2012]

Believe the Bollywood Rockstar Rambir Kapoor to enhance, innovate, and refresh the character offered to him. We saw it in 'Rockstar' and 'Rocket Singh – Salesman Of The Year'. With only himself to compete in the current lot of young Bollywood, Ranbir is currently researching the genius Kishore Kumar's life extensively for Anurag Basu’s film on the life of the legendary personality.

It’s a tough task to match to the genius of Kishore - a gifted singer who had an amazing neck of timings for his comedies and his trademark signature dance steps...

Anurag Basu even met Kishore Kumar family for the permission. It’s being said that Amit Kumar the talent singer, son of Kishore who sang songs like Bade Aache Lagte Hai, Kya Yehi Pyaar Hai, Ek Do Teen to name a few.

Amit will play a cameo in the film and will also rend his voice.

Right now, Ranbir and Anurag are concentrating on their forthcoming ‘Barfee’ which co-stars Priyanka Chopra and Ileana.

After this there will be further research until B-town Rockstar Ranbir plays the legendary on screen off screen Rockstar of Hindi cinema – Kishore Kumar.

Hmmmm like everybody we all are waiting and wondering who will be the lucky one to play the B-town supreme beauty Madhubala – Kishore’s second of his four wives.