Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's sister harassed in flight

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,December 02 2017]

Recently, harrasssment incidents related to airlines have been increasing and even important high profile passengers don’t seem to be an exception in such cases. Randi Zuckerberg, the sister of Mark Zuckerberg(founder of social media giant Facebook) was also subjected to harrasment in a recent flight journey.

Randi was on Alaskan Airlines flying from Los Angeles to Mazatlan, Mexico when the incident happened. In a letter wriiten to the executives of the airlines, she had stated that the man seated next to her was constantly making sexually inundated lewd remarks to her.

However when Zuckerberg took the issue to the flight’s attendants, they did not take it seriously stating that he was a regular flyer. She was still perturbed when she was offered a seat at the back of the plane when all fault was at the said man for harrassing her in the first place.

After an investigation by the airlines however, the airline company has revoked the travel priveleges of the said passenger who behaved in an innappropriate manner to Randi Zuckerberg.