Ranjith reveals Superstar instant reaction after watching 'Kabali'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,July 17 2016]

As 'Kabali' is all set to hit the screens this Friday. director Pa. Ranjith sits back with a cool attitude of having delivered a quality product and now everything remains in the hands of audience.

In a detailed conversation with IndiaGlitz Ranjith shared what happened when the Superstar came to watch the film and what is his instant reaction after watching the film.

"Rajini sir did not know that I will be there when he comes to watch the film. When he saw me he was surprised and asked me to leave and he saw the film alone. I went and waited in a different place with much tension not knowing what his reaction would be. I was wondering if he would say that the mass scenes are missing and whether I may have to shoot again. Already we had to re shoot for five days after completing the film as to make for my satisfaction.

Much to my relief, Rajini sir, was teary eyed after he finished watching it non stop except for a ten minute break. He told me that it is not at all a Rajini film, but a very very good film.

Ranjith is a relieved man now as the Superstar who was initially skeptical about the way the film was being made, is extremely happy after watching the final edit and has said it is one of his most favorite films he has acted so far.