Ranveer Singh in house arrest; misses 'Detective Byomkesh Bakshy'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,April 10 2015]

Ranveer Singh who has recently got a shoulder surgery done was very eager to watch Dibakar Banerjee's film Detective Byomkesh Bakshy!'. We were told that Ranveer has been very excited about the mystery of Detective Byomkesh Bakshy! and had planned to watch the film when it releases. Even before the release of the film, whenever Ranveer would meet the director he would enquire about the film, ask for some details which would let him know who the villain is, etc.

But, as the actor had his surgery just the time when the film released he has not been able to watch the film. Ranveer even called Dibakar to tell him that he really wants to see the film but the doctors won't let him out of the house. The actor even shared with the Dibakar that all the appreciation the films has been receiving has excited him even more to watch the film.

Dibakar Banerjee confirmed the news and added, "Ranveer had called me to say how excited he was to watch the film but unfortunately he was in the hospital with a broken shoulder. All of us missed him a lot during the screening. Wish him speedy recovery."