Rashid Khan plays cricket without going for his father's funeral

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,January 02 2019]

Afghanistan's mystery spinner Rashid Khan has been hailed as the greatest T20 player in the current generation by veteran Australian Brad Hodge. The twenty year old is playing for the Adelaide Strikers in the Big Bash League that is underway in Australia. The news reached out that Rashid's father passed away and the devastated youngster shared on twitter Today I lost the most important person in my life,father-the everlasting Candle.Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. Now I know why u always asked me to be strong,bcz u knew that today I would need the strength to bear your loss.Will be always in my hands...Pls talk to me once

Rashid Khan instead of rushing home to Afghanistan decided to play the New Year's Eve match between Adelaide Strikers and Sidney Thunder in which his 2 wickets for 34 and a few hits with his bat helped his team win. Rashid played the match to honour his father and his gesture was thunderously applauded by the Adelaide crowd when he came in to bowl.