Raveena supports PETA, in a slithering way

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,September 14 2010]

The big screens these days might be missing the remarkable actress Raveena Tandon Thadani. But the beautiful veteran lady is active on the social radar. The actress has become the new face of the organisation People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

In its new campaign, Raveena poses in a skin tight glittering, gold and black outfit - resembling a snake – and shown lying in a pool of blood. The ad campaign is with a view to encourage all to shed exotic skins from their wardrobe. The tagline goes – “Wearing Exotic Skins Kills. Leave Wildlife Out of Your Wardrobe.”

Talking about her support, Raveena stated, “Wearing shoes, clothes and other accessories made out of exotic skin is about as cold-blooded as it gets.” She also added, “These days, there's a wild kingdom of fake snake, mock crocodiles and python leather that pay tribute to the beauty of these animals without making them fashion victims.

On the other hand shocking revelations have been brought out, as to how the poor silent creatures are treated for the sake of their skins – and the list of injustice is quite horrible. It is reported that snakes are commonly nailed to trees or posts and skinned alive. After animals' mutilated bodies are discarded, it can take hours for them to die. Whereas, alligators on factory farms are crammed into small spaces and then beaten to death with hammers or axes.

With this Raveena joins the celebrity list who support several PETA campaigns to protect animals and among them are John Abraham, Celina Jaitely, Pamela Anderson, Sir Paul McCartney and Jackie Chan.