• IndiaGlitz, [Friday,August 22 2008]

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MOTHER OF ALL GHANAS releases with 'Pandhayam' music album

Would there be a person among Tamils who is not familiar with 'Surangani….Surangani'? Would really be a miracle to find such a person. Well, this famous Ghana song of Sri Lankan origin will have a pepped up lease of life thanks to its incorporation along with the songs of the S. A. Chandrasekhar film 'Pandhayam' that stars Nithin Sathya and Sindhu Tolani. Prakash Raj and Meghna Naidu also feature

Sakkarakatti's technical brilliance

Kala Prabhu, son of noted film producer Kalaipuli S. Dhanu is coming up with his first directorial venture in the form of 'Sakkarakatti'. The film introduces Shantanoo, son of veteran director – actor K. Bhagayaraj as hero.

Moser Baer with a mission in Tamil cinema – Dhanenjeyan

Dhananjeyan, the CEO of Moser Baer has emphatically clarified his company’s stand on the legal tussle they are having with MovieLand over copyright issues of 50 film titles. ‘Moser Baer Entertainment has the necessary copyrights and is presenting itself very clearly to the court’, said the top executive of Moser Baer. ‘Till a verdict is meted out by the court we have stopped sales of the 50 titles

From Kolkata with charisma

Meenakshi, the damsel from Kolkata, is making rapid strides in Tamil Cinema. She started with a bang in 'Karrupasamy Kuthagaikarar' opposite Karan.

J K Ritheesh's 'Nayagan' released

J K Ritheesh's second venture 'Nayagan' hits the screens on Friday. Produced by Vijayakumar Reddy, the movie inspired by the Hollywood flick 'Cellular' features Ramana alongside Ritheesh.