RGV finds his Chandrababu Naidu

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,October 15 2018]

Ram Gopal Varma is going to cast a non-actor in the role of Chandrababu Naidu in 'Lakshmi's NTR'. Recently, an unknown man working as a waiter, who resembles the AP CM, was found on the Internet. His whereabouts have been conveyed by a journalist named Rohit to RGV.

Luckily I got this video as a forward. It’s uncanny that this waiter exactly looks like CBN. I offered a lakh for anyone who can trace him down and luckily he got traced by a man called Rohit Mutyala who works for TV9. Hey Rohit, thank you very much for gifting CBN to the unit of LAKSHMI’s NTR ..I will also put a credit thanking you in the beginning of the film, RGV says.

I was having trouble casting CBN in Lakshmi’s NTR in terms of who will look closest to him.. That’s because he played a mega role in NTR’s relationship with Lakshmi Parvathi and hence his casting is ultra important, Ramu said.

The journo, who has won the cash reward of Rs. 1 lakh, has decided to spend it on the Kondagattu accident survivors.