RGV shares photo-shopped image to mock Modi

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,May 02 2019]

In his recent interview with IndiaGlitz, Ram Gopal Varma was asked to choose between Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi. Pat came the reply that it is Modi.

Today, the controversial director is in a mood for a fresh controversy. So, he has shared a photoshopped image of Adolf Hitler twisting the ears of a child just as the Indian Prime Minister once did in recent years. Same to same, RGV captioned the tweet, explaining no further what he means (most of the times, he doesn't know what he means to say!).

This is perhaps his first-ever anti-Modi tweet. Or, maybe, he shouldn't be taken seriously for what he does after a peg, something he himself has said over the years. RGV is fond of publicity. So much so, he can compare his preference for PM with Hitler himself.