RGV's technical sense is great: Nagarjuna

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,May 31 2018]


Ram Gopal Varma's sense of editing, using the sound and playing with the background score is phenomenal, Nagarjuna today said, interacting with the media.

When 'Shiva' was released, it was hailed as a great mono track.  In the age of digital sounds, you can imagine how great the experience of 'Officer' is going to be.  The kind of shots that RGV is known for, it's important to get the sound right.  In 'Officer', when someone is kicked, the kick can be felt literally, Nag noted with a trace of pride.

No matter how well we do a film, satisfaction is there only if the audience accept it, Nag said.

RGV described himself as a wild horse in terms of his profession.  But on Twitter, I am a wild monkey, he joked.  This film will give 100 percent new experience to the audience.  We chose 'Officer' as the title because both the hero and the villain are officers.  A title like 'Shivaji' would have been vague, RGV said.

What about the letter in which Ramu told Nag to kick him if he were to fail in making 'Officer' the way he promised?  There is a manipulation here.  I wrote it so that Nag too becomes a partner in my fault.  If 'Officer' flops, his fans shouldn't kick only me, he said jokingly.