Rishi Kapoor- back in the lead role

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,March 28 2009]

His days as the dashing young lead protagonist got over long back. But that does not mean that Rishi Kapoor is finding it hard to be satisfied with the kind of roles that he is getting now.

In fact it can be said that the veteran actor has been seen doing some very interesting supporting characters in the recent times. His roles in ‘Delhi-6’ and ‘Luck By Chance’ were highly appreciated.

A new chapter in Rishi Kapoor’s career might start soon as he will after a long time appear as a solo lead in a film. Interestingly in this film the actor will be playing a film star by the name of Chintu Ji which is in fact his nickname in real life.

The story of the film is also a very refreshing one.

Chintu Ji after spending years in the film world thinks of contesting the elections.

The film star is not at all interested in bringing out any difference in the society or of lending any help to the people belonging to the constituency in which he is contesting. Instead he becomes a candidate and hopes to win just for getting rid of boredom and bringing some emotional adventure.

But at last he ends up doing something good for the villagers in a most unexpected manner which even he is unaware of. It is told that the character called Chintu Ji was constructed keeping in mind the real life persona of Rishi Kapoor.

And the story of the movie produced by Kaleidoscope Entertainment in a way will convey the state of politics and society prevailing in India today.

The actor says, “The film’s script has been done quite innovatively. It is quite a difficult task to build a story around a real life personality, add on elements of fiction to it and make it a cinematic engaging experience as well”.

The film will hit the screens on May 1.