Unique and heartwarming trailer of Rishi Kapoor and Paresh Rawal's 'Sharmaji Namkeen' is out now

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,March 18 2022]

The trailer of Hitesh Bhatia's upcoming feel-good drama 'Sharmaji Namkeen' was released recently and it turned out to be an emotional rollercoaster for fans as the film marks last on-screen performance of legendary actor Rishi Kapoor, who passed away around two years ago.

The film is going be very unique and makers point that out at the start of the trailer. For the first time Hindi cinema will witness two legendary actors, Rishi Kapoor and Paresh Rawal, playing one memorable character in 'Sharmaji Namkeen', a slide reads.

The trailer promises a delightfully funny and heartwarming film about a nearly 60 year old man who is in search for a new purpose in life. Needless to say, both Rishi Kapoor and Paresh Rawal fit perfectly in the role of a cheerful old man.

The official synopsis of the film reads, B. G. Sharma is a 58-year old widower, and a middle-class man, living in West Delhi. He is one of the millions of faceless people in a mundane routine called life. One fine day, the company he has worked for his entire life lays him off. A man of many prejudices and limited knowledge, Sharma struggles to cope with this beast called retirement.

'Sharmaji Namkeen' is going to release on 31st of March.


