Ritesh Deshmukh bangaya school boy

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,August 27 2009]

‘I really perceived to be weird; posing in school uniform and carrying a worn-out school bag when Sujoy insisted me to do it,’ says Ritesh Deshmukh enacting school boy role in contemporary ‘Aladdin’.

According to the actor, he openly confesses, “when Sujoy directed me to wear the costumes and carry school bag, I suggested about sling bag, that’s more common with youngsters these days.” But the filmmaker was so predetermined about not giving up his motifs.

When art director Sabu Cyril handed the worn-out leather school bag, Ritesh was again stuck with flakey scenario. But when he was getting through the clippings, actor had no options other than detesting for his rigidness.

Ritesh adds, “Sujoy is an extraordinary filmmaker who presents perfect-details in every frame.”

Producers of the film have decided to release it for Diwali.

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