Rs 1.17 Cr just on food during Jayalalitha's hospitalization!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,December 19 2018]

During her 76 days of hospitalization at the Apollo Hospitals in 2016, late Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalithaa’s food bill had come to around Rs 1.17 Cr. A total of Rs 6.8 Cr was spent on her treatment, according to the Apollo Management.

“Rs 92.7 lakh was paid to London doctor Richard Beale, Rs 1.29 crore to the Singapore hospital for physiotherapy treatment, Rs 24 lakh rent for the room where Jayalalithaa was treated and Rs 1.24 crore for the room where Sasikala’s family stayed,” the management added in a statement.

We are fairly certain that even the fanciest of the fancy meals you have had in life wouldn’t have cost half as much as an idli cost the former CM at the Apollo Hospitals.