Rumors float on Kushboo's B'day

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,September 30 2005]

It was a birthday which actress Kushboo chose not to celebrate on Thursday for the controversy surrounding her statements of pre-marital sex has not subsided.

Even after the actress sought a public apology over her alleged remarks on pre-marital sex in an interview to a popular weekly, the protests have been going on.

Several cases have been filed in various courts in the State seeking action against the actress.

Meanwhile, it was the actress's birthday on Thursday and rightly she chose not to celebrate the occasion.

But the occasion was further sullied when a motivated group further spread some more malicious rumor against the actress.There were many unseemly canards floated to drive the actress to desperation.

But those know Kushboo did not give any credence to the rumors.

One thing is for sure, the actress is a spunky lady. You can't expect her to give up without a fight.