'Saakshyam' is a content-driven film: Abhishek Nama

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,July 23 2018]

Producer Abhishek Nama of Abhishek Pictures says that 'Saakshyam' is a concept-based film featuring visually-breathtaking scenes. In this interview, he talks about why a high budget was needed, why he doesn't see risk in doing movies like 'Saakshyam' and more.

Tell us about the unique aspect of the movie.

'Saakshyam' is a concept-based film. It is themed around the five elements of Nature: Earth, water, fire, air, space. One may commit a sin clandestinely and tell himself that nobody knows it. But, up above him, Nature knows everything. When chickens come home to roost, his days are numbered because Nature punishes him invariably. That's what the film drives home.

The supernatural aspects aside, what can we expect from 'Saakshyam'?

The film is a full meals. There is a family story, there is a love story and other commercial elements in it. There is something unique and curious about 'Saakshyam' and it's the aspect of five elements. Destiny drives the story rather than any sci-fi element.

Why did the film need so much budget?

The locations were chosen as per the demand of the story. No song is unnecessary. The story demanded the 13-minute-long song rendered by SPB, Jesudas, Kailash Kher, Hariharan and Bombay Jayashree. It's about the five elements. As for shooting the scenes on a high budget, it was necessary. We couldn't have shot in Hyderabad what should be shot in Kaasi. I can't cheat the audience. The media started talking about the making values right after the teaser was out. The audience will see every rupee that we spent.

Where was the need for graphics?

There are water-based scenes and not everything could have been shot underwater. So, graphics are there.

Didn't you see any risk in investing so much in the movie?

Content is king. You might make a costly movie with a star hero, but it's of no use if the content is not strong. I have come from distribution background and I know the risks involved there. As a distributor, we would buy movies based on the First Look and/or the teaser. Our company has distributed 140 films in the past 34 years. We were into Bollywood earlier exclusively and started doing Telugu movies too later. As a producer, I can get involved in every phase. So, I don't think about risks. My only concern is to make a good movie.

Tell us about the efforts put in by the hero.

You are going to see a new Bellamkonda Srinivas in this film. His body language is different. He shed his weight for the romantic episodes. In action episodes, he has sported six-pack abs.

Some of Sriwass' previous movies didn't do so well. Did you consider the factor?

When 'Dictator' was released, it was difficult for the film to even find theatres. It's because 'Nannaku Prematho' and 'Soggade Chinni Nayana' were the competitors. 'Saakshyam' is Sriwass' movie for a lifetime. It's his dream project.

Recently, EROS struck a deal with your production house. Tell us about that.

We are happy that EROS International has bought our movie. Corporate companies usually don't show much interest in small heroes' films. But EROS has liked our movie. They were excited on watching the movie recently in Mumbai.

The Censor formalities will be completed on Tuesday. The movie will be out in the theatres on July 27.