Sadhu Praise Selvam

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,August 29 2011]

Old contacts should not be forgotten is what one of the leading politicians has told. The veteran in the media from Sun Network heading the Udaya TV Mr Selvam who never comes before the media and publicity shy was appreciated by actor, director, music director and producer Sadhu Kokila in a recent chat with the media at Renukamba Digital studio after he briefed on his '90' Kannada cinema.

I have seen complete humble nature and great attitude in Selvam. Sadhu Kokila remembering his recent meeting said Mr Selvam head of Udaya TV in Bengaluru took him around the office. Sadhu Kokila looking at the ambience and environment in the office of Udaya TV appreciated Mr Selvam strength. The humble man Mr Selvam immediately reacted and said the growth of Udaya TV is because a few persons in that you are also included. Sadhu Kokila long association with Udaya TV was in the mind of Mr Selvam and the struggle made by Sadhu Kokila in making programs for Udaya TV in the initial days was not forgotten.

Sadhu Kokila was moved with the return of appreciation that he cannot forget in his life. In the days of forgetting nature and opportunistic people around the persons like Mr Selvam stand out he pointed.

With such an old contact Sadhu Kokila was helped by Mr Selvam in buying the '90' Kannada cinema for a whopping price that has comforted the maker.