Sai Pallavi's role in Kammula-Naga Chaitanya movie

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,August 26 2019]

Sai Pallavi, it is known, is doing a film directed by Sekhar Kammula, who gave her the first break in Telugu cinema through the blockbuster hit 'Fidaa'. Naga Chaitanya is playing the male lead in this as yet untitled venture. To be shot from the first week of September, the project has music by Pawan.

What is the role of the talented actress in this promising venture? There is this buzz that Sai Pallavi will be playing a character who fights caste discrimination and also exposes sexual exploitation. The hardworking actress will also be speaking Telangana accent.

If true, the film has the potential to go down as one of most-respected movies of the year. Kammula is known for unique sensibilities. He was shaken by the infamous Nirbhaya gang rape in 2012. Back then, he traveled across Andhra Pradesh to talk to college-going youngsters to know their views on different issues (including sexual harassment) first hand.

More details on this project soon.