Sajid Khan helps Tamanna

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,May 22 2014]

Sajid Khan who started his career with the popular talk show, Sajid’s superstar, has now become the king of comedy with his movies!

While shooting for his upcoming next, Humshakals, Tamannaah got stuck while enacting a particular scene that required her to address a huge crowd as she plays a VJ. Since she wasn't confident about enacting the scene in front of such a huge crowd, Sajid came to her rescue and help her get the correct body posture and diction to host the show in front of onlookers!

Tamannaah was a little scared and didn’t know how to execute the scene and make it look real on screen. So I showed her how to do it in terms of holding the mike and getting the right diction. I discovered the phrase ‘host and dost’ when I used to host shows earlier, says Sajid Khan.

Having been a host, I know how difficult it is to keep the audience entertained. In a way, it helped me imparting knowledge to her and she picked it well. When you watch the scene, you will feel like you’re watching a professional host. I enacted the scene in front of her and she copied me exactly, adds Sajid Khan.