K Viswanath conferred the highest award for films

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,April 24 2017]

K Viswanath, one of the greatest all time directors of Indian cinema has been conferred the Dadasaheb Phalke Award by the Government of India for the year 2016. This is the highest cinema award in the country.

Viswanath is the director of such finest movies as 'Shankarabharanam', 'Sagarasangamam' ( dubbed as 'Salangai Oli' in Tamil), 'Swathi Mutyam' ('Sippikkul Muthu')

The 'Kalatapasvi' will receive the award in a ceremony to be held at Rashtrapathi Bhawan, New Delhi on May 3, 2017. President Pranab Mukherjee will hand over the same.

Though Viswanath has not directed any direct Tamil films he is well known as an actor in Tamil films. Some of his memorable films as an actor include 'Kurudhi Punal', 'Kakkai Siraginile' 'Yaaradi Nee Mohini', 'Rajapattai' and 'Uttama Villain'.

He has won five National awards and is also the recipient of the Forth Highest Civilian Honour Padma Shri, given by the Government of India .

IndiaGlitz takes pride in congratulating the legendary director for receiving the most precious award that he deserves more than anyone else in the industry.