Salman Khan and Akshay Kumar Bags A Place in Forbes' Highest Paid Celebs In World

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,July 17 2018]

Bollywood Superstars Akshay Khan and Salman Khan have made it again to the world’s 100 highest-paid celebs according to a Forbes list. The top five celebrities on the 2018 list are by boxer Floyd Mayweather, followed by actor George Clooney, Kylie Jenner, Judy Sheindlin, Dwayne Johnson respectively. The list that is based on the money the actors made from June 2017-2018, Akshay is ranked 76th whereas Salman is on the 82nd spot.

According to the magazine, the 50-year-old Akshay earned $40.5 million and said, “One of Bollywood’s leading men has transitioned to socially-conscious roles, such as ‘Toilet’, a comedy supporting government campaigns to improve sanitation, and ‘Padman’, about a guy hoping to provide inexpensive sanitary pads to rural communities. He still mints millions from backend profits and endorsing some 20 brands, including Tata and Eveready.”

For Bhaijaan, the magazine said, “This Bollywood mainstay continues to produce and star in hits such as ‘Tiger Zinda Hai,’ cashing in on backend profits. Coupled with a slew of endorsements from Suzuki motorcycles to Chlormint gum, he remains one of India’s top earners.”

This time Shah Rukh Khan has failed to find a place in the list. He was on the 65th rank on the list of $38 million earnings last year.

On the work front, Khiladi Kumar is currently busy with ‘Housefull 4’and Salman will soon start shooting for Ali Abbas Zafar's ‘Bharat’.