Salman Khan's Bharat announces release date!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,April 15 2019]

Bollywood hero Salman Khan was last seen on screen in the action movie Race 3 which was a disastrous outing, and since then the actor had been shooting for his next, the period drama Bharat, directed by Ali Abbas Zafar who had earlier directed a blockbuster with Salman, the Anushka Sharma co-starrer Sultan.

Bharat is the official remake of Korean blockbuster movie An Ode to my father and will be set in varying time periods, ranging from 1950s till the 2000s, and will trace the life of the central character Bharat along with the growth of the nation as well, and Salman Khan will be seen in multiple getups.

Today a new poster of Bharat with Salman Khan in an old look was unveiled and fans of the actor are surprised by this terrific new look. The movie has also been confirmed to hit screens on June 5 on eve of Eid festival and the trailer of the movie will be unveiled on April 24. Bharat also stars Tabu, Katrina Kaif and Disha Patani.