Samantha out of Gautham Menon - Naga Chaitanya film ?

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,May 12 2015]

Samantha is supposed to pair up with Naga Chaitanya for the fourth time after 'Ye Maya Chesava', 'Manam' and 'Autonagar Surya', for a movie, which is going to be directed by Gautham Menon, the director who introduced her in Telugu.

The project is all set to go to floors, but since Samantha is very busy with three big Tamil projects currently and couldn't adjust her dates, she backed out of the project. The team are looking for another actress to replace her. This film is the Telugu version of Simbu - Gautham Menon's 'Achcham Enbadhu Madamaiyada' and will be shot simultaneously in Tamil and Telugu..