'Samba' tops among Telugu films

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,July 02 2004]

1. "Samba": The magic duo of NTR Jr and director Vinayak have again come up with an anger-driven film to surpass their earlier blockbuster "Aadi". After registering terrific openings in more than 300 centers, it has sustained its run with NTR Jr's powerful punch lines and intricate dancing. Glam girls Bhoomika and Genelia provide enough oomph while Man Siharma's foot-tapping score has clicked in a big way. Will this vendetta tale set new records?

2. "Aandaru Dongale": The big openings for this lowly rated film has surprised many trade pundits. Yet again, comedy king Rajendraprasad has proved his power. His team, including Prabu Deva and Brahmanandam, tickle the laughing bones with their slapstick comedy. Director Nidhi Prasad has finally broken his jinx.

3. "Bhadradriramudu": The film has opened to a good response. But director Suresh Krishna has failed to give a big break to Tarak Rathna as the film lacks substance. It has again proved that only a good story and nothing else can help an upcoming actor.

4. "Xtra": This film is another surprise as it has been faring better than expected in many centers. Director Veeru has delivered a hit after a big gap. But it cannot hold the audience interest since the tale of a youth who falls in love with his teacher is poorly told. Even the songs are a bad remix of old hits. With the director exploiting the cleavage of Ruthika and loading the film with double-entendres, he definitely limits the film's appeal to one section of the audience.

5. "Arya": After Chiranjeevi and Pavan Kalyan, Allu Arjun is the new star material from Chiranjeevi's family and is a terrific dancer.The touching love story fused with action has clicked with all sections of the audience to cross the 50-day mark comfortably, heralding the entry of another talented director, Sukumar.