Sampath Nandi's film with Ravi Teja confirmed

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,November 01 2014]

We've already reported that Sampath Nandi is out of 'Gabbar Singh 2'. Now it has been confirmed. This director, who waited a long time for Pawan Kalyan, is now getting ready to direct Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja.

This has been confirmed by both Sampath Nandi and Ravi Teja. This project will start immediately after the completion of Ravi Teja's current project, 'Kick 2'. Two top heroines are going to act in this film.

Ravi Teja said that he okayed the storyline narrated by Sampath in a single sitting. "Sampath Nandi is a very good director, who can entertain the audiences well. This will be an out and out commercial entertainer, which has all the elements to attract family audiences. This film will go to sets after the completion of 'Kick 2' ".

Sampath Nandi said, "I am very happy to be directing Ravi Teja. I thank him for giving green signal to the project in a single sitting. This film will be a mass entertainer, with all the elements expected from a Ravi Teja's film. The script work is nearing compeltion and we will reveal the complete details soon".