Sanjay Dutt's secret treats to his twins

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,May 20 2017]

Sanjay Dutt who is busy with his upcoming film makes sure that he never misses out on a chance to spend time with his children, Shahraan and Iqra.

The actor treats his kids with Pizza, makes an effort to make up for all the lost time with his children. Apparently, the kids follow strict guidelines when their mother, Manyata Dutt, is around.

A source close to the family revealed, "Sanjay Dutt loves treating his kids in the absence of wife Manyata. Shahraan and Iqra both are aware of how to get daddy Sanjay Dutt complete their demands in secret. Sanjay spends most of his free time with his twins and is making up for all the lost time in the past".