Santhanam's film to enter Bollywood

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,July 09 2016]

Actor Santhanam's third outing as the lead hero 'Dhillukku Dhuddu' has garnered enormous collections on its release date it is expected to take a very grand opening with houseful shows on this four day weekend. Releasing the film on a Thursday which was a Ramzan holiday has worked phenomenally in favour of the film.

Now even within a day or two of its release the film directed by Ram Bala of Television spoof show 'Lollu Sabha' fame has become a hot property in Bollywood remake circles. This horror-comedy has been produced by Sri Thenandal Films and it has struck the right chord with audience mainly with its comic content.

A representative of Thenandal has confirmed that they have started receiving calls from Bollywood members evincing interest to remake the film in Hindi. So it is more likely that Santhanam's film is going to Hindi and we will have to wait to know who will be directing it and who will play the lead role.