Sarath Kumar Tones Up for 'Velachery'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,November 25 2013]

President of South Indian Film Artiste's Association and actor, Sarath Kumar was not seen actively donning the lead character in movies of late. But debutante director Vendhan is bringing Sarath back to the podium, convincing him to play the lead in his upcoming action flick 'Velachery'. The film is based on the real police encounter that occurred in the Chennai suburb Velachery recently, and has actress Ineya playing the lady lead.

Speaking on the film, Sarath says I am excited to be playing the lead role, an encounter specialist in the film. It is not only the action part of the script that impressed me, but Vendhan has taken care to highlight the emotional turmoil that the kith and kin of such cops go through, under such demanding encounter situations. I am thrilled to be playing the role and have toned my body to fit the character.