Sarathkumar's sudden support for Thalapathy Vijay

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,July 01 2018]

Last week the first look poster of Thalapathy Vijay's 'Sarkar' was released on account of the star's birthday. Thalapathy was posing with a cigarette in his hand. This drew the ire of PMK leader Anbumani Ramadoss who has been vigorously campaigning against alcohol and tobacco products. 

Anbumani  strongly criticized Vijay for appearing with a cigarette in the film's poster and the Dharmapuri MP incurred the wrath of Vijay fans for the same. Even common fans argued that it was just a film's poster and one cannot blame film stars for rampant use of tobacco products. But even the 24 hours next channels conducted debate shows on this topic. The panelists argued whether it is right or wrong on the part of Vijay to appear with a cigarette in his film poster. 

Now senior film star and former MLA R.Sarathkumar has rightly criticised media for blowing up this  issue. He has asked what is the point in debating about a film star and his film poster which is only a work of fiction. Instead, he pointed out that the media should debate about the serious issues like India being ranked number 1 in the list of countries that are more dangerous for women. 

Hope the media barons and the masterminds of Tamil talk shows are listening