The week of Asingam: NEET, Polluted India, Vijayakanth's current, Modi refuses EPS

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,May 05 2018]

Quote of the week: 

Dei Thanos mandaya, ne 6 infinity stones AVENGERS kita irunthu pudingi edukalam, ana mudincha unoda Kidney Stone ah edra pakalam Deadpool to Thanos after Infinity wars.

NEET aspirants to follow PM Model:

NEET exam aspirants please start applying visas. The central government has allocated exam centers across the world, a move that is inspired by our PM’s lifestyle. Our PM who is the brand ambassador of Around the world in 5 years is the mastermind behind NEET exam center reallocations. 

Various exam centers across the world have been setup and students will need to travel for writing exams. The students from Tamil Nadu will now have to travel to UK, US, Australia for exams, but this is not all; for 2019 the exams might be conducted in Moon or Mars as quoted by a close source to PM.     

India bags 14 medals out of 20:   


It’s a great day for various Government health departments, Industries, Automobile companies and finally that ilachavai CONSUMER/CUSTOMER. 14 Indian cities bagged individual medals out of top 20 bringing glory to the pollution department. In the Annual Pollution Olympics, 14 Indian cities have been ranked as the Worlds Most Polluted places to live in. Major industries who contributed to this achievement are now planning to win all 20 spots next year. India hai , Gabbu adikuthu Hai

Narasima Vijaykanth refuses to give current to India:

Mitroooo, entire country is electrified, stop complaining to EB office says Big Thalai from north. But sadly thousands of villages are yet to see the light. The party members are blaming Captain Vijaykanth for not being able to supply current to the entire country. The ruling party members who recently saw Narasima movie, decided that they will never be able to supply electricity to the whole country with the resources they have. So invited our GAPTAN to do the current shock trick again to generate tons and tons of high voltage, but our gaptan was busy performing yoga and did not come back from his dyana nilai. Epadi Parthalum nama bhaktha thane.

Indru Poi Nalai Va:

Recently our honorable god of the state decided to sing the song I believe I can fly and flew to meet his boss. Why? Because no water in rivers, no water in farming lands, no water to drink, my Allukku Jatti unable to wash and lastly but importantly no water for preparing liquor that runs the state gov. So as our god went to meet, he forgot to use the app to book an APPUOintment so they told him Indru Poi Nalai Va. Kadavuluke intha nelamai na… namaku ena gathiyo.

Kollywood Wrap:

With no major releases the entire film industry is counting on Gilma movie Irutu Arayil Muratu Kuthu to get the box office going. There is heavy dependency on corner seat couples, also that 40 year old uncles, always kilichifying reviewers and IPL pathu bore adicha pasanga to get the BO going. But coming out of the movie, people are saying the press show and other youtube promotions had more jokes than the movie itself.