Sardaar Gabbar Singh's animated storyboard

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,March 25 2016]

The makers of Sardaar Gabbar Singh have revealed that a motion storyboard was used for the first time in Tollywood while shooting the film. What is a storyboard? Well, it's that tool which details the duration of a scene.

Below description given by the makers says it all:

"The advantage of this animated storyboard is that the whole duration of scene would be known in advance even before it's shot. This brings clarity to the makers on what would be the total length of the scene onscreen and how the scene is going to look like. Naturally, this comes in handy for the director, cinematographer, creative team to plan well without any duplication of work and thus saving time, energy, and money.

"Stoyrboard artist TSS Kumar worked closely with power star Pawan Kalyan for over three and a half years on Sardaar. He clearly understood Pawan's brief and evolved storyboards for all the scenes. Also known as motion storyboard, it was developed for significant fight sequences and songs in Sardaar - something unheard of down the South. What's more? The animated storyboards in Sardaar are mostly made in colour format. This gives the feel of watching the film even before it went on the floors.

"While developing the principal characters, Pawan drew a few rough sketches of how they should look. At times, Pawan also sketched the scenes. With this, Pawan showcased his artistic prowess and his involvement in the project right from the film's inception. All in all, this shows how Sardaar Gabbar Singh is very dear to his heart."