Sargun Mehta points out differences between Bollywood and Punjabi film industry

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,July 13 2022]

Actress Sargun Mehta is known for starring in several Hindi TV dramas and reality shows and apart from that, she is also an established star in Punjabi film industry. The actress is now all set to make her Bollywood debut with Akshay Kumar's upcoming film 'Mission Cinderella'. In a recent media interaction, Sargun talked about how workings of Punjabi film industry are different from Bollywood.

The actress told IANS, “The Punjabi industry is still very raw. Frankly, that is also working for the industry. It’s raw, upcoming since it’s evolving, we are still going through our phases to find out what the people like, and what will the audience like.

Sargun further stated, Sometimes films surprise you in a way that you didn’t even expect. There are no fixed strategies, not yet at least. People think that there is no discipline and structure in the Punjabi film industry. I am somebody who has discipline in my life but I personally don’t feel that there should be a lot of structure in a creative space. I enjoy being all over the place sometimes.”