Satyadev and Rahul Vijay team up for a romantic drama

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,August 27 2019]

Young and promising talent Satyadev and Rahul Vijay will be coming together for a romantic entertainer, which will mark the directorial debut of former assistant of Puri Jagannadh, Krishna Kishore. A Hyderabad-set contemporary affair with some portions requiring a rural set-up, the film will hit the floors in a month’s time from now.

The narrative follows an interesting trajectory with one particular character in the film sharing the love stories of Satya and Rahul to other. Another interesting development with the film is that ’96 composer Govinda Vasantha is on board to render tunes and music sessions between him and the director are underway in Chennai.

Right now, Satyadev, who is fresh off the massive success of Vivek Athreya’s Brochevarevaruraa, is filming for a couple of web series with directors Anish Kuruvilla and Shekkhar Suri, while Rahul Vijay, except for a song, has wrapped up shooting for Telugu-Tamil bilingual College Kumar, a remake of Kannada hit of the same name.