Sex Bomb Kim Kardashian to romance with Tamil hero in Bollywood's First 'Boldest' Sex Film!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,June 11 2015]
Little known filmmaker, Faisal Saif, who made headlines after his controversial film MAIN HOON RAJINIKANTH faced the heat of Superstar Rajinikanth as the filmmaker cunningly tried to exploit Rajinikanth's popularity, is yet again making news!
According to reports filmmaker Faisal Saif has signed a deal with Dimension Films, America's major film production and distribution studio formerly owned by The Walt Disney Studios and now owned by The Weinstein Company, into making a Bollywoods' first Boldest' Sex Film aptly titled FOR ADULTS ONLY!
And what's more to make the movie a hot cake at the box office Faisal Saif has approached none other but the super sexy Hollywood's reality TV star Kim Kardashian, who is recently in news for second pregnancy.
Briefing media Faisal said, "Yes it is true that we have approached international acclaim actress Kim Kardashian and talks are on for the movie."
"Since Kim is expecting her second pregnancy hence we have been told to wait but we are hopeful that Kim will give her nod as she is quite excited to act in Bollywood films," informed Faisal.
Speaking about the film Faisal claims that movie is purely an X rated erotic thriller that has never been attempted in Bollywood. He said, "The movie is first of its kind Sex Film ever made in India and can be termed as the Dirtiest' film of Bollywood!."
Answering why an international actress like Kim Kardashian has been roped in the film, instead of an Indian actress, Faisal confessed, "The movie has an explicit bold theme that requires the lead actress to expose much more and indulge in seductive intimate scenes that have been ever shot. Initially we did approach many Indian actresses but none dared hence we had to approach the sex bomb Kim Kardashian."
Filmmaker Faisal Saif, who is known for tapping both Bollywood and South film industry, plans to make the film in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu and to attract the south film buffs he plans to sign a hot Tamil hero opposite Kim Kardashian.
Any guesses who can be the lucky Tamil star to romance with sex siren Kim Kardashian?
This article is from Raaga's music blog.