Shah Rukh Khan and Akshay Kumar patching up?

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,May 20 2010]

Unbelievable but can be true. And if this happens then god knows what the gossip aunties will do. The latest on SRK-Akshay rivalry is that there seems to be no rivalry……… eh how this happened and the sun started rising from the west….. We don’t know but the ruling King of Bollywood SRK and arguably his successor Akshay Kumar are driving together on the friendship track leaving the nafrat (hate) lane. Believe it or not but the two are busy strengthening their new found friendship by exchanging some high priced gifts.

As per reports Shah Rukh was so impressed by Akshay’s performance in ‘Housefull’ that he not only sent a congratulatory SMS to the actor congratulating him for his performance in the film but also gifted him a very expensive watch as a mark of his appreciation.

Akshay also followed suite and that’s not all, the two hunks of Bollywood are also exchanging health tips with one another!!!

Vow, this ‘Dostana’ is something worth for….. What say?