Shahid Kapoor as 'Rambo Rajkumar'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,December 26 2012]

There was ‘Rowdy Rathore’; then there is ‘Bullet Raja’ coming up... And now get ready to welcome ‘Rambo Rajkumar’...

Yes, Prabhu Deva’s forthcoming starring Shahid Kapoor in lead which all this while was addressed as ‘Namak’ has gone for a title change recently.

The film has been retitled as ‘Rambo Rajkumar’ to match with the massy flavour. According to sources, the makers felt that the new title suits more for the masala action entertainer.

The film is generating anticipation since it brings together Shahid and Sonakshi Sinha, who plays female lead, for the first time.