Shahid Kapoor gets fever; continues shooting 'Udta Punjab'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,May 09 2015]

Work first.. That's the ideology of our B-Town stars... Here's one celebrity for instance. We were told that Shahid Kapoor has been down with fever since last week. However, he has been shooting for his film 'Udta Punjab' despite not keeping well.

It is said that the actor who is shooting at the outskirts of Punjab doesn't want the shoot schedule to lag behind due to his health. Besides, it is the first shooting schedule of the film and everything has been running on track. Shahid had called his family doctor for prescribed medicines and is on medication currently. The actor is eating light food and taking rest in between his shots so as there is no hindrance in the schedule. Confirming this, a spokesperson added, "Shahid has been on medication and wants the shoot schedule to run on time. He doesn't want the shoot to lag behind and therefore has been working non stop."

Being directed by Abhishek Chaubey, Shahid's forthcoming film 'Udta Punjab' has gathered tremendous buzz. Audiences are also keen to see Shahid's look in the film, about which there has been so much chatter.