Shahid Kapoor makes papa emotional

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,December 16 2013]

Shahid Kapoor has left his father in tears... No wait...!!! Yeh toh Khushi Ke Aansoo hai, bhai...

Papa Pankaj Kapoor, who saw beta Shahid get his infectious smile back on his face as his film ‘R..Rajkumar’ recorded a very good Box Office opening, has had an extremely emotional weekend.

Our sources reveal that Pankaj had reached out to Shahid and was the first one to celebrate the success of ‘R...Rajkumar’. The veteran actor was often heard saying that Shahid only needs a good film and he would bounce back in a big way. Pankaj had always believed in Shahid’s potential and strongly felt that it would be recognized and would be applauded for the talent he has. Now it seems that Shahid’s luck has smiled upon the actor. His hard work has come through. Shahid, with the success of ‘R...aRajkumar’ has bounced back and how.

His film has recorded a very good weekend and held fabulously during the week. The film has performed wonderfully across the mass belts and across India. He is the only young star to try a mass film like this and garner audience acceptance. Audiences in the single screens have been whistling and cheering Shahid's performance and dance. He surely has won a new fan base as his audience was till now largely coming from multiplexes. The actor has generated a whole new fan-base for himself with the audiences loving and accepting him in this whole new avatar.

Shahid is currently working on Vishal Bhardwaj’s ‘Haider’ opposite Shraddha Kapoor.