Shahid Kapoor on sharing screen with Vijay Sethupathi in 'Farzi'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,January 14 2023]

Like several other mainstream stars of Bollywood, Shahid Kapoor has also decided to make a move towards OTT medium of entertainment. He is going to make his OTT debut with Raj and DK's upcoming web show 'Farzi' which will feature him alongside Tamil superstar Vijay Sethupathi. This is also going to be Vijay's Hindi debut and in a recent media event, Shahid opened up about sharing screen with him.

At the trailer launch event of 'Farzi', Shahid said, My first time with Vijay sir. When we launched the teaser of Farzi, I called him ‘Makkal Selvan’ (people’s treasure in Tamil). I am going to say ‘Makkal Selvan’ to him again. He has the personality and it suits him. It is such a beautiful term for him. It has been a privilege to work with him. We don’t have so much to do together. We are always running parallel to each other and there are times when we cross tracks. And whatever little I worked with him and even while we are promoting, I find his mind interesting. He is truly an actor at heart. I wish to do much more work with him and there’s so much to learn from him.”

Talking about his step in the world of OTT entertainment, the actor said, “It (OTT) is an opportunity, as an actor to bring more to it. When you are doing something short format, you can be more attacking in terms of the way you approach a character. Sometimes that works better. I don’t like attacking characters. I like to pull people to screen, it should be immersive. I enjoy that. I don’t have a process. I like to do things instinctively.

“I enjoy the immersive experience as a viewer and hence it comes to me naturally as an actor. I love the long format for that reason. I probably consume more in terms of hours on long format than a film in a theatre. I felt comfortable and I was looking forward to the opportunity,” Shahid concluded.