Shahrukh Khan's huge surprise compliment for Vijay Sethupathi!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,August 10 2019]

Makkal Selvan Vijay Sethupathi was last seen playing an action hero in Su Arunkumar's Sindhubaadh co-starring Anjali and his son Suriya and is now getting ready for the release of some of his movies like Sanga Tamizhan, Kadaisi Vivasayi and his Telugu debut Sye Raa.

The actor has been to Australia to attend the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne, where his acclaimed movie Super Deluxe, the multistarrer directed by Thiagarajan Kumararaja was nominated in various categories, and the event also saw Bollywood movies like Andhadhun, Gully Boy contesting.

Vijay Sethupathi was awarded the best actor for Super Deluxe and the movie was awarded the Equality in Cinema award. Speaking in the press conference, Shahrukh Khan who was felicitated at the event surprised Vijay Sethupathi by telling in the press conference that he would really like to compliment Vijay Sethupathi and called him the most wonderful actor he has seen in his life.