Shankar and his Rs 30 crores song

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,April 29 2009]

It is known news that the showman of the south Shankar is currently busy with the shooting of his movie ‘Yanthram’ and the shooting has been going on briskly with superstar Rajinikanth as the hero while the green eyed beauty Aishwarya Bachchan is the heroine.

It was earlier said that Shankar had planned for his trademark signature song that is usually extravagant and the budget for that was quoted to be close to Rs 30 crores.

However, with the current recession setting in and the financial slowdown, it is not sure if Shankar is still going ahead with the song or not.

While some say that it is a sensible move, there are those who say they might just miss the splendor of Shankar in this one.

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