Shilpa getting married?

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,July 23 2007]

There are rumours regarding Shilpa's marriage that are circulating in the media about NRI businessman Raj Kundra. How true are these rumors?

Mr Kundra is her friend and has helped her in the launch of her perfume S2 in UK. But let me insist that the marriage rumours are speculations, said her publicist and spokesperson Dale Bhagwagar, replying to a query by the BBC, last week. Shilpa Shetty is not fighting off the men. She's single and ready to mingle. Let her get the right guy and she's sure to settle down. But right now, there isn't one, he added.

Do such stories upset Shilpa? Yes, she does get a little upset at times, but I guess she is now coming to terms with the fact that such rumours are part and parcel of being an international celebrity, Bhagwagar observed. Shilpa is a great human being and all the recent success and international stardom hasn't changed her nature at all. She remains the smiling, loving and affectionate down-to-earth girl, he remarked.

When asked if he feels we are having an overdose of Shilpa, Bhagwagar retorted, Being in the media glare only hurts when one hasn't got anything to talk about. But after 'Metro', 'Apne' and the launch of her signature perfume; Shilpa received the honorary doctorate in UK. Coming up is a DVD video on Yoga to be shot in the Himalayas; a chain of restaurants – starting with one in Central London; her cookery book; her signature designer wear collection; a Broadway musical and the role of Sita in Uru Patel's international venture 'Hanuman'. These will be followed by other interesting announcements which we have currently kept under wraps. With so much to talk about, one can't avoid the media attention.