Shilpa Shetty is back to the place where her Bollywood career had started

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,January 17 2022]

Back in the year 1993, actress Shilpa Shetty kickstarted her Bollywood career by starring alongside Shahrukh Khan in the film 'Baazigar'. The brief story arc and iconic death scene of her character were a significant part of the movie which has garnered a cult status over decades. Recently, Shilpa had a trip down the memory lane as she visited the place where she gave her first shot of the film 'Baazigar'.

She shared a brief video from the spot on her Instagram in which she can be heard saying, I started my career from this place 29 years ago. We're back here for IGT: The Stunt Yard.

Shilpa captioned the post as, Life comes a full circle in unexpected ways?? I gave my first-ever shot for Baazigar right here (on the Helipad at filmcity) so going back to the Stunt Yard for @indiasgottalentofficial was quite nostalgic! But, I have only gratitude for the wonderful journey that I’ve enjoyed ❤️???? and today, I’m about to start a new one with #IGT.

On the work front, Shilpa will soon be starring in Sabbir Khan's 'Nikamma' alongside Abhimanyu Dassani and Shirley Setia.