Shiv on dubbing, stop original languages to Karnataka

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,March 03 2017]

There is no point in having dubbed films and non Kannada original films also hitting the Karnataka theatres. It should be either one. In case they want dubbing the flow of original language films should be curtailed. In case they do take such a decision, the Kannada from other language films would be known to non Kannadigas. This is helpful for everyone. Other language people who live in Karnataka and do not know Kannada would learn at least the language where they live he observes.

When the market for non Kannada films in Karnataka is so huge, they would not take such a decision. So what is the point of original and dubbed Kannada films screening at the cost of Kannada film market that has a limited boundary asks Dr Shivarajakumar very politely when a few of media spoke to him at Kanteerava Studio on Thursday morning.

By placing his version Dr Shivarajakumar said he is completely against to dubbing. It is Paapi Pet Ka Savaal. We in Karnataka don't hit on the stomach of anyone. That is evident from non Kannada films doing huge business here in Karnataka. It is time for the public to give their opinion feels Dr Shivarajakumar.

The government and public should declare their wish. Cinema is an entertainment media. It is for the people. They have to precisely decide on the need of dubbing films in Kannada. In most parts of the country there is no scope for dubbing. We have made it as a cultural policy. So a section of people here should create fuss he asks.

Look at the cinema and television people connected to it. All get affected. Remake we do once in a while. I always believe that culture is one. We may be having different religions. In the ballot we should rope in all sectors of people in the society to give their opinion. There is nothing wrong in getting opinion of all section of people in this regard says Shivanna. It is time for them to give their opinion on language and place where they stay.

I always say dubbing issue should be public voice. There is no point in strong protests, burning theatres is not our culture. We are not against to any language. Instead of making speeches and fans coming to whistle at that time, something practical should take place says Shivanna. Only when issue crops up we join together. The permanent solution is not discussed without harm to public properties.