Shocking! Surveillance Spots Harry Potter's Dobby on Video

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,June 10 2019]

Video footage from Vivian Gomez's house in the US showed an alien/elf-like creature walking in the driveway. A scrawny figure is seen walking oddly beside a car. Gomez who shared the video on Facebook said: “So I woke up Sunday morning and saw this on my camera and am trying to figure out…what the heck?? First I saw the shadow walking from my front door then I saw this thing….has anyone else seen this on their cameras?? The other two cameras didn’t pick it up for some reason.”

The video which has more than 6 million views has gotten netizens trying to guess what the creature is. While some thought it was a child playing a prank, others said it looked like an alien. Harry Potter fans have begun speculating that the house elf Dobby has been set free. Whatever the figure may be, it definitely appears quite creepy looking!